Houthi's Blowfish: Disguised Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) Sunk MV Tutor

Houthi's Blowfish: Disguised Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) Sunk MV Tutor

Flag Houthi On June 12 2024 the merchant ship MV Tutor, was hit by a Houthi uncrewed surface vessel (USV) 66 nautical miles southwest of Al Hudaydah, Yemen. According to reports, the Liberian-flagged Greek-owned ship had recently unloaded 80,000 tonnes of coal from the Russian port of Ust-Luga in Port Said, Egypt, on June 9. The explosive-laden USV hit the stern of the ship, immobilizing it and causing flooding. One crew member is missing, assumed dead.

The USV was a converted fishing skiff, 5 - 7 metres in length, of the type common in the area. It appears to have mannequins to appear innocent at a distance.
Yemen Houthi MV Tutor
Yemen Houthi MV Tutor
The explosive USV was filmed as it approached. It appears to have fake people aboard.

It is interesting that the Houthis used a converted skiff instead of the purpose-built 'blowfish' explosive USVs. Possibly the dedicated craft are too easily identified and taken out by American and allied naval forces before they launch.

A follow-up strike on the stricken ship was conducted with an 'unknown airborne projectile', possibly a weaponized drone (OWA-UAV). After the this the crew abandoned ship, being rescued by French and American forces. The vessel was in the vicinity of 14˚20’00” N 041˚56’00” E.

Yemen Houthi MV Tutor
Three hits were filmed after the ship had been abandoned. At least one, amidships on the port (left) side appeared to be another USV strike. Other hits to the stern appeared to be with other weapons however.

The ship has since sunk, causing an oil slick.

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