Russia Shows New Naval Drones At FLOT 2024 Show

Russia Shows New Naval Drones At FLOT 2024 Show

Russian manufacturers have shown off a range of uncrewed naval platforms at the Flot 2024 show in St. Petersburg. While these are partly for export, the shadow of the war in the Black Sea is not far away.


The ASV-1000 is advertised as a multirole USV. It is slightly larger than typical USVs used by Ukraine in the Black Sea, with a cabin-like superstructure. Payload is significant at 1,000 kg.

USV ASV 1000

ASV 1000 Specifications
Length: 6.2 m
Beam: 2.3 m
Maximum speed: 40 knots
Range: 500+ km
Payload: 1,000 kg

Orcan USV

The Orcan USV is presented as a basic platform for robotic marine systems. It is similar in size to the USVs used by Ukraine and has a single waterjet drive.
USV Orcan

Orcan USV Specifications
Length: 5.3 m
Beam: 1.7 m
Height: 0.8 m
Payload: 100 liters

USV Orcan


Small autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).
USV Orcan

MMT-300 AUV Specifications
Length: 2.7 m
Diameter: 0.29 m
Operating depth: 300 m
Range: 3.5 km

Talisman-2 ROV

Work-class remote operated vehicle (ROV).


The 'MPA' small-sized ROV from JSC GIPP Region is designed for search, classification, designation of underwater objects. And also carrying out underwater technical work. The obvious context is mine countermeasures (MCM) and it appears similar to some western mine-neutralizers.
Modular design allows configurations including a search module (presumably with side-scan sonar), or a work module with an electromechanical manipulator.


The ISPUM-E complex from JSC GIPP Region is designed to search and destroy (or mark) sea mines. The system is intended for dedicated Pr.12700 Alexandrite Class mine countermeasures (MCM) ships. The system is not new and has been displayed before.

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